Maligano Jasper Pendant - 1.71"
Maligano Jasper Pendant - 1.71"

Forged in the Pacific's Ring of Fire and found only on a small island in Indonesia, Maligano Jasper is a worthy addition to this sprawling gemstone family. The inclusion of iron provides the gem's sandy color, while darker brecciated crystals make for a beautiful contrast on the piece.
This pendant contains a polished 1.71" gem of Maligano Jasper set into a sterling silver bezel. It comes with an 18" silver chain in a padded black jewelry box.

📸 Some examples of the pendants
The many faces of maligano jasper
Jasper refers to a wide range of gemstones that form all across the world, spurred by volcanic activity. No one source of jasper forms quite like any other—Maligano Jasper can only be found on Sulawesi, Indonesia and was only discovered a little over a decade ago. Since then, the gemstone's interplay of color has caught the world's eye.
This pendant contains a Maligano Jasper centerpiece mined from the only such deposit on Earth. Unlike more opaque forms of the gemstone, the Maligano variety is slightly transparent, offering a peak into the comingling of geological processes that produced this beautiful stone.

📸 An example of the pendant with jewelry box
The Maligano Jasper Pendant is set into a sterling silver backing and comes with an 18" silver chain. The necklace comes in a padded jewelry box and includes a small information card about the specimen. The card serves as the certificate of authenticity and can be found underneath the padded lining of the display box.
Each pendant has been photographed and listed separately. You can see all our currently available Maligano Jasper Pendants in the collection below!

📸 Sulawesi, source of the jasper

📸 Maligano jasper pendant in action
Jasper is a gemstone that forms from a combination of geological processes, a mixture of quartz and microcrystalline silica chalcedony. This combining of different structures leads to vibrant coloring—in the case of Maigano Jasper, this manifests as warmer oranges and yellows contrasted against darker brecciated crystals.

📸 Maligano Jasper close-up
This interplay of color is where jasper gets its etymolgoy from, the name coming from the ancient Greek for “spotted stone.” The material is often transparent, offering a clear view into this interplay of geological structures. Because jasper refers to the gemstone’s appearance as well as its composition, the label is commercial as much as it is geological.

📸 Maligano jasper showing off its interplay of color
Jasper is an combination of multiple phenomena, but there are certain commonalities between the material. The incredible melting pot of colors in jasper owes its formation to volcanic ash deposits or hydrothermal heating. Its usual reddish color are caused by the presence of iron during the formation process. The gemstone’s density allows it to be easily shaped and polished, making it valued in jewelry since prehistory.

📸 A typical pendant
Jasper is sourced from all over the world, with notable deposits in Biggs Junction, Oregon and Bruneau Canyon, Idaho. Maligano Jasper is a more recent discovery and is sourced only from Sulawesi, an island in the Indonesia archipelago, formed from the island chain’s volcanic activity. Like most jasper, its sandy-colored base gemstone is shot through with brecciated crystals, making for a stunning gemstone.
Further Reading
Powolny, Tomasz, and Magdalena Dumańska-Słowik. “Review of Existing Systems of Jaspers Nomenclature and Classification in Poland and Worldwide.” Gospodarka surowcami mineralnymi 33.2 (2017): 43–52. Web.
Sunan, Huzaely Latief et al. “The Genesis of Gemstone Based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, Limbasari.” IOP conference series. Materials Science and Engineering 982.1 (2020): 12043-. Web.