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The Crazy Story of How Star Wars Got Made!

The Crazy Story of How Star Wars Got Made!

4 days ago

On May 14, 1971, George Lucas flew into London for the first time. For a while now, the young director had been workshopping ideas for a space opera, jotting down an increasingly long list of bizarre names for people and places he could build a story around. So when he landed in London, Lucas marched into the office of United Artists head David Picker and convinced the executive to provide the seed money for his next movie.

Skin, Eggs, and Poop: Unique Types of Dinosaur Fossils!

Skin, Eggs, and Poop: Unique Types of Dinosaur Fossils!

4 days ago

While their bones tend to be the most show-stopping examples, the dinosaurs actually left behind many different traces of their anatomy, many of which have been crucial to scientists’ understanding of their lives. Whether you’re looking to grow your collection or just starting out, here are 5 unique types of dinosaur fossils!

The Top 5 Most Expensive Star Wars Collectibles Ever Sold

The Top 5 Most Expensive Star Wars Collectibles Ever Sold

11 days ago

When Star Wars debuted in theaters on May 25th, 1977, it launched an international phenomenon spanning decades of film history. Today, the series has had countless spinoffs, tv shows, books, and merchandising emblazoned with its characters and symbols, for which fans are ready to part with a pretty penny. Here are the top 5 most expensive Star Wars memorabilia items ever sold.

The Biggest Dinosaurs to Walk The Earth

The Biggest Dinosaurs to Walk The Earth

11 days ago

For 165 million years across the Mesozoic Era, dinosaurs reached incredible, towering sizes, but curiously the evidence suggests the largest came at the end of the Age of Dinosaurs. This may seem ironic. After all, larger animals have smaller populations and require more food, thus making them susceptible to environmental stresses. On the flip side, if a large animal is able to survive a mass die-off, their genetic predisposition to a large size will quickly spread in a reduced population. This is what we see in the Late Cretaceous: dinosaurs of many different clades reaching their apex.

The Largest Meteorites Ever Discovered on Earth

The Largest Meteorites Ever Discovered on Earth

12 days ago

Meteorites have fascinated humans since we first started looking up into the night sky. Since then, our ability to track and study them has greatly improved, but the fascination remains. Here is a countdown of the 5 largest meteorites ever found!

The Top 5 Most Expensive Beatles Collectibles Ever Sold

The Top 5 Most Expensive Beatles Collectibles Ever Sold

12 days ago

Money can’t buy you love but it can buy you many impressive artifacts from the Fab Four’s career; you’ll just need a lot of it. Here is a countdown of the top 5 most expensive Beatles memorabilia ever sold at auction!

From the Cavern Club to Apple Corps: The Rise & Fall of the Beatles

From the Cavern Club to Apple Corps: The Rise & Fall of the Beatles

The Beatles, arguably the world’s most popular band, have a storied history spanning decades. From the Cavern Club, to the Ed Sullivan Show, to the rooftop of Apple Corps, their musical journey is the stuff of legend.

Amelia Earhart & The Women Who Soared

Amelia Earhart & The Women Who Soared

When Amelia Earhart touched down in Northern Ireland in 1932, she was instantly propelled to ...
How the Dinosaurs Got their Feathers

How the Dinosaurs Got their Feathers

66 million years ago, the K/PG extinction event brought the Age of Dinosaurs to a violent end. Ho...
Paleoart: Bringing the Past to Life

Paleoart: Bringing the Past to Life

What do you see when you imagine a dinosaur? Whatever image springs to mind owes itself to the wo...
The Apple II: the Revolutionary Personal Computer

The Apple II: the Revolutionary Personal Computer

The history of modern computing is a long road that stretches from the earliest computers that co...
JUICE Mission Blasts Off to Jupiter

JUICE Mission Blasts Off to Jupiter

The question of alien life has long preoccupied astrobiologists and other scientists, but it coul...
A Carcharodontosaurus skull.

Where the Spinosaurus Roam: Morocco’s Kem Kem Formation

In the thick of a brackish swamp that stretches for miles in every direction, a lumbering Spinosa...
The Galaxy in Your Gut: Microbes and Humans

The Galaxy in Your Gut: Microbes and Humans

Right now as you read these words, no matter who you are or where you live, tens of trillions of ...
Portrait paleontologist Mary Anning.

Mary Anning the Fossil Hunter

Decades before Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution, another equally  controversial ...
A picture of the Smithsonian Castle

The Miniature World: A History of the Smithsonian

Dotted along the National Mall, in the heart of Washington DC, the Smithsonian’s museums contain ...
Stromatolites: The Earliest Life

Stromatolites: The Earliest Life

Charles Darwin had a problem: with a poor fossil record preceding the Cambrian explosion, his the...
Othniel Charles Marsh and his men digging for fossils in Wyoming.

The Bone Wars: Paleontology's Greatest Rivalry

Many of our early insights into the dinosaurs of North America owe themselves to the dramatic riv...
A T. Rex and Triceratops in battle

The Dinosaur Tyrant: A Look at the T. Rex

Measuring 40ft (12m) in length and weighing upwards of 14 tons, Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the ...
The RMS Lusitania (1907-1915)

The RMS Lusitania (1907-1915)

It was one of the largest and fastest ships of its time, but today the RMS Lusitania is remembere...
A collector standing next to the world's largest collection of bottle caps.

How to Start a Collection

So you want to start a collection, but you’re faced with the same daunting question every novice ...
An illustration of a Plesiosaur.

Plesiosaurus: Mary Anning's Sea Monster

Featuring a long, snake-like neck and a stout body equipped with slender paddles, Plesiosaurs are...
A Native American Potlatch ceremony in which gifts are exchanged.

The History of Giving Gifts

Throughout human history, across wildly different civilizations and cultures, certain universal b...
SR-71 Blackbird: The Fastest Plane in the Sky

SR-71 Blackbird: The Fastest Plane in the Sky

The SR-71 was a top secret reconnaissance plane that flew throughout the Cold War, serving from i...
An art gallery in the Louvre Museum in Paris

The History of Collecting

Why do we collect things? What is it that compels us to seek out a rare baseball card, the final ...
An illustration of a dinosaur witnessing the asteroid impact.

Understanding Extinction Events

An artist's rendering of the Chicxulub impact. (Source: Mini Museum) Life on Earth is defined by ...
An image of the Grand Canyon.

Methods of Scientific Dating

An image of the Grand Canyon, with layers of the Earth exposed. (Source: National Park Service) ...
An image of a stellar nebula.

The Birth of our Solar System

An image of the Carina Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, showing stars forming. (So...
Spinosaurus: A Changing Aquatic Predator!

Spinosaurus: A Changing Aquatic Predator!

An old model Spinosaurus in a Cretaceous River Delta. Our new understanding of the creature has a...
Nothing Would Ever Be The Same : Stories from the Manhattan Project

Nothing Would Ever Be The Same : Stories from the Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project was the codename for the research and development effort which allowed the...
The Currents of Migration - An Essay on Human Migration in History

The Currents of Migration - An Essay on Human Migration in History

As we’ve followed the progression of life across billions of years of history, we’ve come across ...
7 Unique Science Gifts for Historians

7 Unique Science Gifts for Historians

Finding cool gifts for cool people doesn't have to be a chore. Mini Museum has you covered with u...
The Beautiful, Constant Change of Mount Fuji

The Beautiful, Constant Change of Mount Fuji

At 3,776 meters, Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. Yet, the modern Mount Fuji is actua...
Do Space Cowboys Ever Sing the Blues?

Do Space Cowboys Ever Sing the Blues?

In 2015, NASA Astronaut and International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly noted that "music i...
Fifteen Recipes for Preparing Dinosaur Eggs

Fifteen Recipes for Preparing Dinosaur Eggs

When thinking about deep time, we often find ourselves caught up in the grand movements and n...
We are Made of Stardust

We are Made of Stardust

Each year nearly 40,000,000 kilograms (88.1 million pounds) of meteoritic material rains down on ...
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