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Cretaceous Era Fossil - Enchodus 14" Fish in Fish Fossil - Sannine Formation

Cretaceous Era Fossil - Enchodus 14" Fish in Fish Fossil - Sannine Formation

93 million years ago, prehistoric sea creatures swam in the coastal waters of what is now the Sannine Formation. This limestone deposit in northern Lebanon is a treasure trove of fossil specimens that paleontologists are learning more about each day.

This specimen is a 14" showcase Enchodus "Fish in Fish" fossil. Enchodus’s defining feature was its gigantic front teeth; four fangs that could grow up to 2.4 inches which sprouted out of the fish’s mouth.

Of note is the second fish within the Enchodus, suggesting it was in the middle of a meal when it perished. Finds like this are extremely rare.

The fossil is estimated to be over 98 million years old and includes a pair of black metal stands and a certificate of authenticity.

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