Mighty Mosasaur Pocket Fossil

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Dinosaur Articles from the Mini Museum Library

Skin, Eggs, and Poop: Unique Types of Dinosaur Fossils!
While their bones tend to be the most show-stopping examples, the dinosaurs actually left behind many different traces of their anatomy, many of which have been crucial to scientists’ understanding of their lives. Whether you’re looking to grow your collection or just starting out, here are 5 unique types of dinosaur fossils!

The Biggest Dinosaurs to Walk The Earth
For 165 million years across the Mesozoic Era, dinosaurs reached incredible, towering sizes, but curiously the evidence suggests the largest came at the end of the Age of Dinosaurs. This may seem ironic. After all, larger animals have smaller populations and require more food, thus making them susceptible to environmental stresses. On the flip side, if a large animal is able to survive a mass die-off, their genetic predisposition to a large size will quickly spread in a reduced population. This is what we see in the Late Cretaceous: dinosaurs of many different clades reaching their apex.