We're ecstatic to be bringing you the next edition of the Mini Museum and it's wonderful to see you feel just as pumped!
Today, we have an important update on the theme guiding our next Mini Museum collection, as well as a request!

When you curate a collection across four billion years of history, you start to notice some patterns.
We prepare thousands of specimens and in doing so we have the chance to ponder their connections and the central theme which unites our collections together. Perhaps you've noticed it too, reading through your companion guide and exploring your personal collection.
Time, Adventure, Change, Migration — each of these represent a core theme of one of our previous editions. We explore these ideas through the assembly of specimens and in essays within the companion guide for every edition.
Sometimes these ideas emerge from the specimens themselves; for others, the state of our world can guide our thoughts. For Mini Museum Five though, the theme was present from the very beginning: Rebirth.

Three years ago, we launched and funded Mini Museum Age of Dinosaurs. Not long after, the world experienced the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to the support of our community (that's you!) Mini Museum was able to stay strong and continue our mission of science and learning. It's certainly no coincidence that this feeling of rebirth is part of our new edition.
This is more than just a return; it's something old and it's something new. The Fifth Edition will be the next entry in our line of grand collections and it will be a new and incredible experience unlike any that have come before it. We aren't just exploring a new frontier, we're creating it together.

That's what Mini Museum has always been. Beyond the collection, beyond the team, it is all of you; the brilliant people who have pledged to help spread a love of science and learning to future generations and to hold a piece of history in their hands.
To that end, we have a request — we want to see your museums and the people that own them!
As we prepare for MM5, we want to reignite the flame of discovery and the passion of our community. Send us a photo of you and your museum and we'll add it to our new backer collage that will be featured in the crowdfunding campaign!
We want to see everyone we can, so tag us on Instagram or email your photo to photos@minimuseum.com and we'll add it into the collage.
The countdown begins— we're only a few months away now from the crowdfunding launch. Let us know how excited you are for Mini Museum Five and share your photos today!

Ready to complete your collection before the Fifth edition? Museums from all numbered editions are currently available on the site.
We only have a handful of First and Second editions remaining before they're exhausted and make sure to check out the Third, Fourth, and Age of Dinosaurs collections too!
This is the perfect chance to unite all our specimens from across space and time in your very own collection!